
List of Factoring Companies

List of Factoring Companies

  1. Aliado Factoring, S.A.
  2. Balboa Factoring, S.A.
  3. Capital Factoring And Finance
  4. Central Factoring, S.A.
  5. Cyberfactoring, S.A.
  6. Factoring Empresarial, S.A.
  7. First Factoring Inc
  8. Grupo Atlantic Partners, Inc.
  9. Metrofactoring, S.A.
  10. Operaciones de Consumo, S.A.
  11. Pago Express, S.A.
  12. Vantaggio Enterprise, S.A.
  13. Canal Factoring, S.A.
  14. Century Factoring Corp. (Factoring24)
  15. Inversiones y Valores Asociados, S.A.
  16. New Factoring, S.A.
  17. Premiun Factoring Corp (Pfc)
  18. Panamerican Investment And Consulting, Corp.
  19. Optimus Factoring
  20. Facturas De Panamá, S.A.
  21. Factoring & Finance, Corp.
  22. Fast Factoring, S.A.
  23. ASRIEL, S.A.
  24. Costa Factoring, S.A.
  25. SLC Capital, S.A. / Sterling Factoring
  26. AAA Factoring
  27. Juntos Soluciones, S.A.
  28. Crowding Capital, S.A.
  29. Logifactoring, S.A.
  30. Provincial de Finanzas, S.A.
  31. Diamond Pacific Factoring, S.A.
  32. Atlántida Factoring, S.A.

Please be advised that these companies are under the supervision of the Superintendency of Banks of Panama solely
for Anti-Money Laundering, Countering the Financing of Terrorism, and Weapons of Mass Destruction (AML/CFT/WMD)
matters, in accordance with the provisions of Law 23, dated 27th April 2015, and its amendments.
--Updated as of january 31, 2025--