
CBI Results Highlight Positive Asset Growth and Strengthening of Loan Portfolio in 2024

Panama’s International Banking Center (CBI) closed year 2024 with solid financial performance, reaffirming its position as one of the fundamental pillars of the country’s financial system. These findings were presented during the results briefing event, where a 6% growth in assets was highlighted, reaching USD 156,392.8 million, along with an 8.2% increase in profits, reflecting the sector’s resilience and adaptability in a complex global economic environment.

Commerce, Consumption, and Agriculture Drive CBI's Credit Growth

The International Banking Center (IBC) of Panama reaffirms its position as an essential pillar of the national financial system and a regional benchmark, strengthening the confidence of depositors and investors through its excellent operational and financial performance. This is highlighted in the Banking Activity Report (BAR) as of November 2024, issued by the Superintendency of Banks of Panama (SBP).


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New Board of Directors
1. Miguel Ángel Marcano. - Director-Chairperson
2. Alfonso Prieto - Executive President-General Manager- Secretary
3. Carlos Alberto Escotet.- Director-Treasurer
4. Alfredo Ramírez. - Director
5. María Josefina Fernández - Director
6. Emilio Durán Ceballos – Independent Director
7. Francisco Javier Conto Diaz - – Independent Director
8. Rosio Videgain Duarte de Aued. - – Independent Director

Credicorp Bank, S.A.

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New Board of Directors
1. Jorge Dixon De León – Independent Director– Chairperson
2. Carlos Ernesto Guevara Rodríguez. - Director – Vicepresident
3. Roberto Arturo Ford Jiménez. - Director – Secretary
4. José Javier Rivera Jiménez – Independent Director – Treasurer
5. Mario Alejandro Garúz Castillo – Independent Director
6. Brittannia Amaya Solano – Independent Director
7. Teresita De Lourdes Soto Franco. – Independent Director
8. Elena Chong Chan. – Director - General Manager
9. Miguel Ángel González Tello


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New Board of Directors
1. Fernando Clemente Correa Jolly. Director – Chairperson
2. José María Herrera Ocaña.- Independent Director– Vicepresident
3. Samir Gozaine Abdelmalak. - Director
4. Michele Marie Moreno Sagel. - Director
5. Joseph Salterio Ibáñez. - Director
Elyonor Samudio de Ávila. – Secretary of the Board of Directors


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New Board of Directors
1. Fernando Clemente Correa Jolly. Director – Chairperson
2. José María Herrera Ocaña.- Independent Director– Vicepresident
3. Samir Gozaine Abdelmalak. - Director
4. Michele Marie Moreno Sagel. - Director
5. Joseph Salterio Ibáñez. – Director
Gian Francisco Sanchez Tunon – Secretary of the Board of Directors


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New Board of Directors
1. Nicolás Ardito Barletta Preston - Director – Chairperson
2. Ángel Dapena Lambridge. - Director – Vicepresident
3. Leroy Jhon Sheffer Montes. - Director
4. Efraín Castillero Castillo - Director
5. Vivian Holness Medina. - sDirector
6. Lizbeth Ann Henríquez Leonard - Director
7. José Luis García De Paredes Chiari – Director
8. Sheyla Soto - Secretary


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New Board of Directors
1. Miguel Heras - Independient Director– Chairperson
2. Roland Holst - Independient Director
3. Ricardo Manuel Arango - Director
4. Tarciana Gomes Medeiros - Independient Director
5. José Alberto Garzón Gaitán - Independent Director
6. Mario Covo - Independient Director
7. Isela Constantini - Independient Director
8. Alexandra Aguirre - Director
9. Daniel Tillard - Director
10. Angélica Ruiz - Director
11. Jorge León Salas Taurel – Executive Chairperson
12. Jorge Luis Real - Secretary