In connection with and according to the right of personal data protection and processing and based on the principles of lawfulness, truthfulness, correctness, transparency, confidentiality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality, responsibility, data security, and portability, the Superintendency of Banks of Panama informs to its customers, suppliers, employees, and former employees that their personal data and information will be processed and safekept in a strictly confidential manner, as provided for in Law 81 of 2019, the Executive Decree 285 dated 28 May 2021, and the regulations and the internal policies developed by this entity, available at "Personal data protection documents"
If the data subject does not fully accept the data protection policy or the terms ad conditions of this notice, he/she must refrain from sharing any kind of information with the Superintendency of Banks of Panama by any physical, optical, and/or electronic means.
The data subject may limit the use or disclosure of the personal data processing at any time. Therefore, the data subject must contact the Superintendency of Banks via e-mail at
Please accept the terms of the Data Protection Policy.
Panama: Panama Business Tower
Avenida Samuel Lewis – Ground Floor, Floors 28, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34.
Bank Customer Service
Panama: Panama Business Tower
Avenida Samuel Lewis y Calle 61 Este Obarrio David: Canal Bank Tower, third floor, suite 303