New Board of Directors
1. Miguel Ángel Marcano. - Director-Chairperson
2. Alfonso Prieto - Executive President-General Manager- Secretary
3. Carlos Alberto Escotet.- Director-Treasurer
4. Alfredo Ramírez. - Director
5. María Josefina Fernández - Director
6. Emilio Durán Ceballos – Independent Director
7. Francisco Javier Conto Diaz - – Independent Director
8. Rosio Videgain Duarte de Aued. - – Independent Director
Relevant changes
Announces the appointment of Mr. Edmon Pallerola Gene as the new General Manager, effective December 6, 2024, replacing Mr. Jesús García Vásquez.
New Board of Directors
1. Jorge Dixon De León – Independent Director– Chairperson
2. Carlos Ernesto Guevara Rodríguez. - Director – Vicepresident
3. Roberto Arturo Ford Jiménez. - Director – Secretary
4. José Javier Rivera Jiménez – Independent Director – Treasurer
5. Mario Alejandro Garúz Castillo – Independent Director
6. Brittannia Amaya Solano – Independent Director
7. Teresita De Lourdes Soto Franco. – Independent Director
8. Elena Chong Chan. – Director - General Manager
9. Miguel Ángel González Tello
Announces the appointment of Mr. Irving Gómez López as the new General Manager as of November 1, 2024, replacing Mr. Reinaldo Achurra.
New Board of Directors
1. Fernando Clemente Correa Jolly. Director – Chairperson
2. José María Herrera Ocaña.- Independent Director– Vicepresident
3. Samir Gozaine Abdelmalak. - Director
4. Michele Marie Moreno Sagel. - Director
5. Joseph Salterio Ibáñez. - Director
Elyonor Samudio de Ávila. – Secretary of the Board of Directors
New Board of Directors
1. Fernando Clemente Correa Jolly. Director – Chairperson
2. José María Herrera Ocaña.- Independent Director– Vicepresident
3. Samir Gozaine Abdelmalak. - Director
4. Michele Marie Moreno Sagel. - Director
5. Joseph Salterio Ibáñez. – Director
Gian Francisco Sanchez Tunon – Secretary of the Board of Directors
New Board of Directors
1. Nicolás Ardito Barletta Preston - Director – Chairperson
2. Ángel Dapena Lambridge. - Director – Vicepresident
3. Leroy Jhon Sheffer Montes. - Director
4. Efraín Castillero Castillo - Director
5. Vivian Holness Medina. - sDirector
6. Lizbeth Ann Henríquez Leonard - Director
7. José Luis García De Paredes Chiari – Director
8. Sheyla Soto - Secretary