
FECI Circulars

Circulars 2024

2025 Calendar for the presentation of the FECI Form.
Minimum Documentation Required for Submitting FECI Claims

Circulars 2023

Circular 089 (2023).
Explanation – Circular No. SBP-FECI-0070-2023, dated November 24, 2023 (Law No. 412 of 2023, Amending and Adding Articles to Law 8 of 2016).
Circular 077 (2023).
2024 Calendar for the submission of the FECI Report
Circular 070 (2023).
Law 412 Amending and Adding to Law 8 of 2016 regarding the Colon Free Trade Zone (Official Gazette 29914-A dated 21st November 2023)

Circulars 2021

Circular 105 (2021).
Law 240 dated 6 October 2021 whereby the Agrotourism Activity in Panama is regulated
Circular 61 (2021).
Law 204 dated 18 March 2021 whereby fishing and aquaculture in the republic of Panama are regulated and other provisions are prescribed

Circulars 2020

Circular 336-2020.
Law 179 dated 16 November 2020, whereby the financial leasing of real estate is regulated and other provisions are prescribed
Circular 176-2020.
General Resolution SBP-RG-0004-2020 dated 14 May 2020. FECI
Circular 001 (2020).
2020 Calendar for the submission of the FECI report

Circulars 2019

Circular 106 (2019).
Amendment of Law 4 dated 17 May 1994 whereby the preferential interest rate regime for the agriculture sector is established and the measures that foment it are prescribed
Circular 60 (2019).
Amendment of Law 80 dated 8 November 2012 prescribing incentive rules for tourism in Panama (FECI Regime)

Circulars 2018

Circular 126 (2018).
2019 Calendar for the Submission of the FECI Report
Circular 001 (2018).
2018 Calendar for the Submission of the FECI Report.

Circulars 2017

Circular 075 (2017).
Interpretation Opinion of the FECI Commission on “Foreign Loans”

Circulars 2016

Circular 137.
FECI Report Calendar for 2017
Circular 49.
Interpretation Opinion of the FECI Commission on “Financing for the purchase of shares”
Circular 48.
Interpretation criterion of the FECI Commission on “Financial Factoring”
Circular 47.
Interpretation Opinion of the FECI Commission on “Compensation”
Circular 46.
Amendment of Executive Decree 29 of 1996 whereby Law 4 dated 17 May 1994 is regulated
Circular 03.
UN List

Circulars 2015

Circular 201.
2016 Calendar for the Submission of the FECI Report.
Circular 69.
Detail of the FECI 1% withholding for April 2015 (submitted in May)
Circular 68.
Amendment to the FECI System. Law 15 dated 21 April 2015
Circular 33.
Amendment to FECI Commission Resolution 001-2014 dated 6 October 2014
Circular 05.
Correction of date in Circular SBP-FECI-0156-2014 dated December 3, 2014

Circulars 2014

Circular 162 (2014).
2015 Calendar for the Submission of the FECI Report
Circular 156 (2014).
New interest rate discount for agriculture loans qualified for the 0% interest program for the agriculture sector
Circular 124 (2014).
Submittal of information. Unconstitutionality of Law No. 24 dated 8 April 2013 whereby the Government Revenue Authority was created. (Official Gazette No. 27633-A). Members of the FECI Commission.
Circular 66 (2014).
Amendment of Executive Decree 29 of 1996, which regulates the FECI Law. (Executive Decree 181 of 2014, published in Official Gazette 27524)
Circular 65 (2014).
Articles 10 and 19 of Decree Law 29 of 1996, amended by Executive Decree 181 of 2014
Circular 07 (2014).
Detail of FECI’s 1% Withholding of November 2013 (received in December)
Circular 01 (2014).
2014 Calendar for the submission of the FECI Report

Circulars 2013

Modification of the FECI System. Law 110 dated 26 November 2013
Circular 103 (2013).
Submittal through FECI’s email address of FECI Forms not reporting payments
Circular 62 (2013).
Loans granted to micro businesses registered with the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Authority (AMPYME)
Circular 08 (2013).
New FECI payment account number in Banco Nacional

Circulars 2012

Circular 116 (2012).
2013 Calendar for the submission of the FECI Report
Circular 88 (2012).
Entry into force of the amendment to the FECI Interpretation Criteria on Factoring Agreements
Circular 87 (2012).
Amendment to the FECI System. Law 42 dated 7 August 2012 (General provisions on Maintenance/Child Support)
Circular 56 (2012).
Amendment to FECI Interpretation Criteria on Factoring Agreements

Circulars 2011

Withholding of 1% FECI in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of the Law 4 of 1994. Credit Cards.
Circular 109 (2011).
2012 Calendar for the submission of the FECI Form
Circular 52 (2011).
New FECI interpretation criteria on loans granted to finance Breeding of Lower Organisms. (Law 24 of 7 June 1995, Executive Decree No. 43 of 7 July 2004, Executive Decree No. 1123 of 14 August 2009, Resolution AG-0138-2004 of 6 May 2004)
Circular 51 (2011).
New interpretation criteria of FECI Commission. Household Mortgages

Circulars 2010

Circular No. 68 (2010)
Calendario 2011 para la presentación del Formulario FECI
Circular No. 8 (2010)
Nuevos productos beneficiados con la tasa de descuento mayor, según lo establece el Artículo 3 del Decreto Ejecutivo No. 29 de 1996, modificado por el Decreto Ejecutivo No. 33 de 2010..
Circular No. 7 (2010)
Remisión de circulares a través del buzón de Soporte Bancos de la SBP
Circular No.6 (2010)
Nuevo Formulario FECI para la presentación de informes mensuales de descuentos y/o retenciones aplicadas.
Circular No. 5 (2010)
Retención del 1% del Régimen del Feci, en virtud de lo dispuesto en el numeral 5 del Artículo 2 de la Ley 4 de 1994.
Circular No. 4 (2010)
Financiamientos otorgados a través de tarjetas de crédito a personas de la tercera edad, pensionados y/o jubilados. (Circular FECI No. 002-2005 de 17 de enero de 2005).
Circular No. 3 (2010)
Solicitud de Información. Préstamos otorgados a empresas establecidas en Zona franca. (Artículo 25 del Decreto Ejecutivo 29 de 1996. Circular Feci No. 2-98).
Circular No. 2 (2010)
Reglamentación del Régimen del FECI. Modificación del Decreto Ejecutivo No. 29 de 1996, por el Decreto Ejecutivo No. 33 de 2010.
Circular No. 1 (2010)
Modificación del Criterio de Interpretación de FECI sobre los préstamos otorgados a empresas establecidas en Zona franca.
(Artículos 2, 7 y 8 de la Ley 4 de 1994). Ley 49 de 2009

Circulars 2009

Circular 7-2009
2010 Calendar for the submission of FECI Reports
Circular 6-2009
Detail of the 1% withholding corresponding to the month of September 2009 (received in October).
Circular 5-2009
Modification of the FECI Interpretation Criterion on loans secured by bank deposits. (Circular 004-2009 of October 26, 2009).
Circular 4-2009
Modification of FECI’s Interpretation Criterion on loans secured by savings and fixed term deposits.
Circular 3-2009
Criteria of Interpretation of FECI No. 34 On the Leasing Business.
Circular 2-2009
Documents required for the submittal of FECI claims.
Circular 1-2009
Interest rate discount in loans for the production of industrial tomato and plantain. Executive Decree No. 9 of February 17, 2009, published in Official Gazette No. 26270 of April 28, 2009. Inclusion of new products. (FECI Resolution No. 036-2009 of May 13, 2009).

Circulars 2008

Circular 3-2008
2009 timetable for the submittal of ICSF (FECI) Reports.
Circular 2-2008
Interest rate discount in loans for the production of sorgho and kidney beans. Executive Decree No. 87 of July 19, 2008; FECI Resolution No. 071-2008 of September 9, 2008.
Circular 1-2008
Interest rate discounts for loans for the production of rice, corn, beans, meat (poultry, swine and beef) and fresh milk. Executive Decree 74 dated 27 Mary 2008, FECI Resolution 53-2008 dated 28 May 2008

Circulars 2007

Circular 1-2007
2008 Timetable for the submittal of FECI Reports.

Circulars 2006

Circular 4-2006
2007 timetable for the submittal of FECI Reports.
Circular 3-2006
1 February 2006 Ruling of the Third Chamber (Administrative Litigation) of the Supreme Court of Justice
Circular 2-2006
Article 16 of Executive Decree No. 177 of December 9, 2005.
Circular 1-2006
Article 16 of Executive Decree No. 177 of December 9, 2005.

Circulars 2005

Circular 4-2005
Calendar for the submission of FECI Reports

Circulars 1998

Circular 4 (1998).
Circular No. 12-98 issued by the National Banking Commission
Circular No.3a (1998)
Oficial de Cumplimiento (Circular 31-1992)
Circular 3 (1998).
Article 54 DL 9/98.
Circular 2 (1998).
Rule 1-98.