The domestic loan portfolio showed a significant improvement as of June 2022 by recording USD 56.59 billion, a USD 2.37 billion or 4.4% increase versus June 2021.
The foregoing indicates that banks continue to move in maintaining a path of profitable growth, while developing and implementing expansion initiatives for certain lines of business, which reaffirms that the Panamanian financial system continues to show resilience, according to the sector analysis included in the June 2022 Banking Activity Report of the Superintendency of Banks.
The report reveals a 4.8% growth in the balance of household loans, reaching USD 16.50 billion, thanks to the behavior of mortgages, whose balance is above pre-pandemic levels.
While, consumer loans totaled USD 12.98 billion, a 4% increase versus the same period a year earlier, when it totaled USD 12.45 billion. For household loans, the data for the 2Q2022 shows the continuation of the expansionary trend.
The loans for nonfinancial business activities increased to USD 11.37 [billion] or a year-on-year growth of 8.4%.
The flow of new domestic loans granted during the first half of 2022 was 57.4%, higher than that granted in the same period in 2021.
Total assets of the International Banking Center (IBC) reached USD 137.30 billion, an USD 8.33 billion increase versus June 2021, i.e., a year-on-year growth of 6.5%.
Notably, during the surveyed period, the International Banking Center continued to show high liquidity and solvency ratios. At the end of the month, the liquidity of the Banking System reached 57.9%, which easily exceeds the regulatory minimums.
The banks that make up the IBC have strong funding, consisting of deposits, which gives great stability to their source of financing. Historically, funding diversification, deposit stability, and efficient use of hedging have contributed to mitigating liquidity risk. Regarding the solvency ratios, the capital adequacy ratio on risk-weighted assets was 15.46% (the most recent data available).
For further information on the results of this report, please visit our website / Financial & Statistical.