
All Circulars

Circulars 2011

Circular 17 (2011).
Updating of Consolidated List
Circular 16 (2011).
Circular 63-2010/Report of Fraud in Electronic Channels
Circular 15 (2011).
Law No. 2 of 1 February 2011 “Whereby the measures to know your customer by Registered Agents of existing corporations, organized according to the laws of the Republic of Panama, are governed”. Official Gazette No. 26713-C.
Circular 14 (2011).
Circular No. 42-2009
Circular 12 (2011).
Working Schedule. Superintendency of Banks.
Circular 11 (2011).
Rule No. 002-2011
Circular 10 (2011).
Presentation. Results and projections of the International Banking Center
Circular 08 (2011).
Stop payment of one (1) Banker’s Draft issued by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (Panamá), S.A. (BBVA)
Circular 06 (2011).
Updating of Consolidated List
Circular 05 (2011).
Resolution J.D. No. 001-2011
Circular 04 (2011).
Submittal of Information. Stop payment of one hundred (100) checks. Banco Trasatlántico, S. A.
Circular 03 (2011).
Submittal of Statistical Information
Circular 02 (2011).
Rule No. 001-2011
Circular CFL 3-85 1-2011 (2011).
Residential Mortgage Loans (Law 3/85, 11/90, 5/94, 28/95, 30/99, 50/99, 65/2003, and 29/2008)
Circular CF DL 9-97 1-2011 (2011).
Loans for Casco Antiguo Revitalization (Decree-Law No. 9/1997 and Law 4/2002).
Circular 01 (2011).
Submittal of information through ITBank System due to Martyr’s Day (January 9th).

Circulars 2010

Circular 10 (2010).
Agreement No. 10-2009 and Circular No. 63-2009
Circular No. 68 (2010)
Calendario 2011 para la presentación del Formulario FECI
Circular No. 8 (2010)
Nuevos productos beneficiados con la tasa de descuento mayor, según lo establece el Artículo 3 del Decreto Ejecutivo No. 29 de 1996, modificado por el Decreto Ejecutivo No. 33 de 2010..
Circular No. 7 (2010)
Remisión de circulares a través del buzón de Soporte Bancos de la SBP
Circular No.6 (2010)
Nuevo Formulario FECI para la presentación de informes mensuales de descuentos y/o retenciones aplicadas.
Circular No. 5 (2010)
Retención del 1% del Régimen del Feci, en virtud de lo dispuesto en el numeral 5 del Artículo 2 de la Ley 4 de 1994.
Circular No. 4 (2010)
Financiamientos otorgados a través de tarjetas de crédito a personas de la tercera edad, pensionados y/o jubilados. (Circular FECI No. 002-2005 de 17 de enero de 2005).
Circular No. 3 (2010)
Solicitud de Información. Préstamos otorgados a empresas establecidas en Zona franca. (Artículo 25 del Decreto Ejecutivo 29 de 1996. Circular Feci No. 2-98).
Circular No. 2 (2010)
Reglamentación del Régimen del FECI. Modificación del Decreto Ejecutivo No. 29 de 1996, por el Decreto Ejecutivo No. 33 de 2010.
Circular No. 1 (2010)
Modificación del Criterio de Interpretación de FECI sobre los préstamos otorgados a empresas establecidas en Zona franca.
(Artículos 2, 7 y 8 de la Ley 4 de 1994). Ley 49 de 2009
Circular 9 (2010)
Circular FID No. 017-2008
Circular 8 (2010)
Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs).
Circular 7 (2010)
Updating of Consolidated List.
Circular 6 (2010)
Submittal of Circulars through SBP's Bank Information Support Email.
Circular 5 (2010)
Press Release issued by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
Circular 4 (2010)
Roseville Investments, S.A. and Tremaine Corp.
Circular 3 (2010)
Records Review and/or Update Plan
Circular 2 (2010)
Handbook information and Compliance program requirement. Art. 1, number 7, and Art. 5 of Law 42-2000
Circular 1 (2010)
Customer attention and working schedule. Superintendency of Banks
Circular 67 (2010).
Rule No. 009-2010
Circular 66 (2010).
2011 Clearing House Calendar. Banco Nacional de Panamá
Circular 64 (2010).
Rule No. 008-2010
Circular 63 (2010).
Reporting of Fraud in Electronic Channels
Circular 62 (2010).
Circular No. 50-2004, Circular No. 57-2009, and Executive Decree No. 246 of 2004.
Circular 61 (2010).
Submittal of Information. Stop payment of one hundred and forty-nine (149) checks. Banco Trasatlántico, S.A.
Circular 60 (2010).
General Resolution No. 001-2010
Circular 59 (2010).
Submittal of information through the ITBank System due to Mother’s Day, Christmas and New Year’s Celebration
Circular 58 (2010).
Rule No. 007-2010
Circular 57 (2010).
Stop payment of one (1) Banker’s Draft issued by CAJA DE AHORROS
Circular 56 (2010).
Rule No. 6-2010
Circular 55 (2010).
Rule No. 4-2010
Circular 54 (2010).
Stop payment of thirty-four (34) Checks. Banco Universal, S. A.
Circular 53 (2010).
Submittal of information through ITBANK System due to National Holidays.
Circular 52 (2010).
Stop payment of one (1) Banker’s Draft issued by BANCAFÉ (PANAMÁ), S. A.